.@DermotMurnaghan asks foreign secretary @BorisJohnson about his freedom of movement views/comments #Murnaghan https://t.co/eZQrcbP5iT
— Murnaghan (@SkyMurnaghan) December 4, 2016
A big barney on Sky News as Dermot Murnaghan accuses Boris of lying over his free movement comments. Boris hits back by telling Sky their story was
“cooked up… I’m not entirely convinced your reporter talked to those ambassadors… Your story was a dud, it was wrong, it was a load of old baloney… [the journalist] was offered something that was completely untrue, it was nonsense… I’m glad that it’s been corrected.”
The post Boris Tells Sky: “Your Story Was a Dud” appeared first on Guido Fawkes.