After David Davies MP argued that we should be using dental checks to assess the age of supposed child migrants there was a predictable backlash fromt the usual suspects including posh tweeter and MP, Stella Creasy:
You make me ashamed to be in same Parliament @DavidTCDavies feeding this hatred and undermining child refugees #notimpressed
— stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) October 18, 2016
Liam Byrne last night confirmed to Guido that when he was Immigration Minister he had considered tooth checks in principle before deciding they were impractical. Checking the teeth of child immigrants is not a niche view – 16 European countries have used dental checks to help determine the ages of asylum seekers or refugees. Former Labour Home Secretary Jack Straw has just backed the plan:
“I would certainly not as Home Secretary have ruled that out … having tests, providing they are not too intrusive and invasive, is actually a sensible thing to do for everyone concerned. Most of them are economic migrants and you have to be pretty firm about this. Part of the problem with the issue of whether they are children is you have got to test their age because you will understandably always get quite a lot of people who, knowing that it’s easier to get in because they are younger, will pretend they are under 18 when they are not. Some of those who are at Calais are genuine refugees but an awful lot are economic migrants,”
Is Creasy ashamed to be in the same parliament as her own party?
The post Labour Considered Migrant Dental Checks Too, Stella appeared first on Guido Fawkes.