Big Labour news: Corbynistas are a step closer to consolidating their power within the party after seizing control of the crucial Conference Arrangements Committee. Corbyn-backed candidates Billy Hayes, a former CWU general secretary, and Seema Chandwani, from Tottenham CLP, have been elected to the body which dictates the agenda for Labour conference. The result is a significant defeat for moderates; the Progress and Labour First backed Gloria De Piero and Labour peer Lord Cashman were defeated. Progress had previously put it like this:
“The CAC is the thin red line stopping Momentum making conference a free-for-all where every fantasy politics piece of ‘resolutionary socialism’ gets debated…”
Control of the CAC will allow the left to prioritise debates on party rulebook changes. That means mandatory reselection could be coming…
UPDATE: Chris Williamson already on the case:
“MPs should be subject to a routine process like every other elected position in a membership organisation is.”
The post CAC Handed To Corbyn appeared first on Guido Fawkes.