Who says the SNP don’t have any charm? When East Renfrewshire Tory MP Paul Masterson tweeted a sweet picture of his young son and daughter on her first day at school, West Lothian councillor Moira Shemilt jumped on the opportunity to fire off the snide (now deleted) remark: “Pink and sheep for girls, Tuff trucks for boys #genderstereotyping”. Going after an MP’s nursery age kids? Really?
Dad was having none of it:
So today starts with SNP Cllr making personal attacks about the outfit my daughter picked for herself to wear on her first day at nursery
— Paul Masterton MP (@PM4EastRen) August 22, 2017
. how dare you! You should be ashamed shaming parents in this way. For info, we let Daisy pick her own clothes, so what if she likes pink?
— Paul Masterton MP (@PM4EastRen) August 22, 2017
Next time Moira, pick on someone your own size…
The post Nasty Nat Picks on Tory MP’s Young Children appeared first on Guido Fawkes.