Clive Lewis, Vince Cable and the Green Party are launching the official “Progressive Alliance” tonight at an event with Paul Mason, Zoe Williams, someone from the Bernie Sanders campaign and the Spanish socialist group Podemos. They might be a roll call of cranks and MPs who’ll say and do anything to win their seats, but the Progressive Alliance has quietly agreed deals in at least 30 constituencies across the country. As you can see from Guido’s Map of Chaos, the Greens, LibDems and Labour are standing aside for each other all over the place.
Greens backing Labour: Copeland, Brentford and Isleworth, Eltham, Warrington South, Southampton Test, Ealing Central and Acton, Hastings and Rye, Ilford North, Oldham East and Saddleworth, Pudsey, York Central, Derby North, Carlisle, Workington,
LibDems backing Labour: Bury North (and secretly in Ealing)
Greens backing LibDems: Richmond Park, Twickenham, North Kingston, Brighton Kemptown, Lewes, Westmorland and Lonsdale, South West Surrey, Oxford West and Abingdon, Southport, Harrogate and Knaresborough, North Cornwall, St Austell and Newquay, St Ives
LibDems backing Greens: Brighton Pavilion, Skipton
Seems to Guido that the Greens are getting a pretty bad deal here. In exchange for helping Labour and the LibDems across the country, they are being helped in just two seats – and only one that they have a hope of winning. Naivety or selfishness from Caroline Lucas?
The post Progressive Alliance Map of Chaos appeared first on Guido Fawkes.