Jockeying for the Mail political editor role will pick up pace again today after Derry Street carried out a reshuffle among its senior executives. Isabel Oakeshott has already resigned as “political editor at large”. Katherine Faulkner, who was the paper’s investigations editor and had been tipped as a possible for the pol ed job, has now been appointed executive features editor. She is replaced by her deputy Paul Bentley.
Guido is told that Sun deputy pol-ed Steve Hawkes fancies himself for the job and Mail insiders say that Tim Shipman’s return is not impossible, currently Sunday Times pol-ed. So add to the list:
- Tim Shipman, Sunday Times: Was deputy at the Mail before he took the Sunday Times job. If he was ever to return to the daily Lobby grind, his old paper would be a good bet – and he was re-hired once before by Dacre. Expensive…
- Steve Hawkes, The Sun: Currently deputy on a pro-Brexit paper. Strong business background and has done a lot of home affairs. Which means he’s well in with Number 10.
Although bookies not taking bets, Guido still reckons Jason Groves is favourite.
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