UKIP leader Paul Nuttall and three of the party’s peers have written to the Cabinet Office Honours and Appointments committee to argue that a knighthood for Nigel Farage is “in the national interest”. The Kippers’ case is that Nigel did “more than anyone else” to secure the EU referendum and made a “very substantial” contribution to the result. They say his relationship with Donald Trump means he has since “become a figure of international significance”, and also cite his charity work.
Honours and Appointments,
The Cabinet Office,
1 Horse GuardsLondon SW1A ZHQ. 6th January,2017
For kind attention Ms Alison Bennett
Dear Sirs,
We write to recommend a Knighthood for Nigel Farage.
After taking back the UKIP leadership in 2010, he built it into a party which won the last EU Elections, and for which 3.8 million people voted in last year’s General Election. This amounted to 12.6% of the votes cast, or one third of those received by the successful Conservative Party.
More than anyone else he provoked the recent referendum on EU membership, and his contribution to the result was very substantial.
0n 21st August 2016 Lord Pearson wrote to the Prime Minister suggesting that Mr. Farage should have been offered a peerage. This was an error, because he would not actually accept a peerage now, as he wants to see out this EU Parliament, and could not take a seat in the Lords while remaining in that Parliament.
He has since become a figure of international significance, thanks to his support for President-Elect Donald Trump during his campaign for the Republican leadership. He and Mr. Trump enjoy a good personal relationship, which is likely to endure.
As to work outside politics, he gave up what would undoubtedly have been a lucrative City career to build UKIP, which has been a very full time job over the years. He has however given his time to many charity events, when people donate to a charity to have a meal with him or hear him speak. We do not have a record of the amount so raised, but it must be substantial.
We would be happy to answer any questions the Committee might have, and trust they agree that a Knighthood would now be appropriate. We suggest that it would also be in the national interest.
Malcolm Pearson (UKIP Leader, House of Lords).
Paul Nuttall (UKIP Leader).
David Stevens of Ludgate (UKIP, House of Lords).
David Willoughby de Broke (UKIP, House of Lords).
Undoubted that Farage deserves recognition for his contribution to British politics over the last 20 years…
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